Sunday, October 31, 2010

Random Angle - Halloween

I have a mean getup for Professor Trelawney (from Harry Potter). The glasses, hair, dowdy hippie clothing, even the tea leaves. I first created her when me and my coworker were invited to another coworker's house for a Dress-Up-As-A-Literary-Character Party. It was a cinch -everyone was great about guessing it spot on.

But I went out to do some Halloween partying last night with friends, and I don't think anyone guessed it all night! And the 'dowdiness' seem to stand out among all those scantily clad zombie women.

I'm fine with this standing out. I don't really need someone to gape in order to know that I'm getting attention. And Mike just couldn't get enough of how cute I looked.

We went to a bar that had a sort of marching band playing. They were all dressed in zombie wear, and it was quite a spectacle: hoolah hoops, jugglers, crazy synchronized instrument dancing, megaphones and flags. My mind was kinda blown. Not sure if I loved them, really, but I would never have seen that in Kansas. Don't think I would have in Virginia Beach either..

All that to say, Happy Halloween. If you stop by I have tootsie rolls and Dots for ya.

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