Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Random - The Holidays Do This To Me

1) On my way back from the holidays I'm just as ready to head for the holidays as I was at the beginning of the holidays.

2) I love thinking up wonderfully individualistic gifts for everyone, but I end up pondering one thing too long for one person (usually, but not always, my husband) and end up rushing through everyone else's.

3) Mike and I can't wait to start our long list of Christmas Movie Musts. Granted, about the time that we have time for them will be the 25th.

4) Today was the last day in November in Chicago and it was the first day I actually saw flurries. Our first year here we were already a month up to our eyeballs.

1 comment:

none said...

something something something Catherine Wing.

(if by "something something something" I mean "I think you might like")